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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Losing to Rutus

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  • Losing to Rutus

    Once again, excellent book, very well done

    You've become one of my favorite authors recently not only because of your amazing ideas but also because you just seem to be a genuinely cool guy who responds and helps his fans. I asked you a long while ago for some writing tips and you took the time to give me really great advice, which just goes to show that you're a good person as well as a good writer.

    But enough flattery; I've got a question. When you lose against Rutus does it count as a defeat? Since he doesn't actually kill you, does it count towards your death penalties? The rules say whenever you lose you should record it as a defeat, so common sense seems to dictate it should be recorded. But the fact that he can just come out of nowhere and give you a defeat before you even start a quest makes me wonder if it does really count as a defeat or not?

    Either way, awesome game, awesome book, a worthy addition to the series. I love the death penalty system, and if you do make future Destiny Quest books (and I hope you do, or really any other sort of book) I hope you keep something similar to that.

  • Re: Losing to Rutus

    Thank you, kind sir - appreciate the comments!

    Hmm, this is actually a very good question and one perhaps I should have made explicit in the text. Yes, Rutus still counts as a defeat (as technically you lost a combat). Remember, you need five defeats before you need to roll on the death penalty chart, so consider a defeat as your body gradually succumbing to all the knocks and tumbles.

  • Re: Losing to Rutus

    Actually, I relent on this one. I've reviewed the text and the entries, and I agree that it could be a little harsh to penalise a hero for a combat they are not ready for, that early on in the book.

    So, I'll be the nice guy and say that losing to Rutus does not count as a defeat. I'll add this to the errata list (general forum) so that it can be added into future print runs.

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