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778 Posts in 220 Topics by 146 members

Topic: 2 questions (Sweet Spot and Doubles)

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  • 2 questions (Sweet Spot and Doubles)

    Hi! Two questions:

    1. How does the ability Sweet Spot ('Before combat begins, choose a number. Each time your opponent rolls it for attack speed, they automatically take 2 damage') interact with rerolls or dice alterations. If I pick the number 1, and then use 'sneak' to turn my opponent's speed dice into a 1, does it still work? Or, if I reroll the opponent's speed die with 'boneshaker' do they take damage from 1s on their first roll?

    2. If an enemy has an ability to do with rolling doubles (e.g. the gecks tail whip ability in DQ4 para 611, which makes you automatically lose the round on a double) how does this work with haste? If I am rolling 3 die, then would any doubles within that activate the gecks ability or would I have to roll all 3 the same?

  • Re: 2 questions (Sweet Spot and Doubles)

    1. Yes, that is part of the joy of mixing and matching modifiers, is that you can create situations to your benefit.

    2. It would activate if two dice have the same results. So if you rolled [3], [3], and [6] then it would activate as you have a double.

  • Re: 2 questions (Sweet Spot and Doubles)

    Thank you!

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