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778 Posts in 220 Topics by 146 members

Topic: Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

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  • Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

    Hi Da Boss, I'm hoping you can help clarify the combat timing a bit better for me.

    Step 1 states that you roll 2 dice and add your speed score to determine your Attack Speed.

    1) Is your attack speed locked in at this point, or can you still modify it by using potions or modifier abilities to change your speed score? The way the rules are written, it seems that your attack speed has already been determined, and it's too late to change it. Do I need to drink my speed pot before I roll my attack speed?

    2) What if I want to reroll one of those dice (for example, with the Charm ability) after the enemy rolls their speed score, . Is it too late, because my attack speed was already determined on step 1? Or can I still go back and reroll one of my dice after I know my opponent's attack speed?

    3) Likewise, can I use a speed pot after knowing my opponent's attack speed, or will changing my speed be useless at this point, since my attack speed for the round has already been determined?

    The rules imply that 2 and 3 are not possible, but abilities like "Trickster" imply differently (that attack speeds don't lock until step 3). If 2 and 3 are indeed possible, a clearer version of the combat rules might be to delay the ultimate calculation of attack speed until step 3:
    1. Roll 2 dice, this is your hero's speed roll.
    2. Roll 2 dice, this is the enemy's speed roll.
    3. Determine your attack speed and the opponent's attack speed, then determine the winner of the combat round.

  • Re: Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

    Special abilities are technically powers that can change the flow of combat.
    You would drink a potion of speed before rolling, because that will boost your speed attribute. Then you roll your attack speed dice. This determines your attack speed for that combat round.

    You would do the same for your opponent.

    Then, when you have your dice results – that is when modifier abilities can come into play. You could use charm to reroll one of your die, or use an ability like trickster that will swap dice.

    So, the attack speeds are not set in stone. They can be changed. But drinking a potion of speed wouldn’t do anything once you have rolled. If that makes sense, because the point in time where you are applying speed to the roll has already passed.
    Hope that helps and makes some sense!

  • Re: Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

    Thanks for the quick reply, Da Boss!

    Very helpful! So as I understand, the attack speed can still be changed, but not by modifying the speed stat. While the attack speed is not locked, the amount of speed that was applied to it is locked. I can still change the attack speed by modifying the roll itself, or by means of an effect that modifies attack speed directly (if such an effect exists).

    Following that logic, can you confirm my following assumptions are correct?

    1. My last chance to use Eureka (mo) to affect my attack speed is before rolling speed (because it boosts my speed stat, which gets applied on step 1). Once I roll, it's too late to use Eureka to affect a speed score.

    2. While (sp) abilities are always used before any rolls, (mo) abilities that affect my opponent's speed stat directly need to be used before my opponent rolls speed (between steps 1 and 2) since their speed gets applied on step 2. But (mo) abilities that (a) alter or remove my opponent's die faces (or make them reroll), (b) add or subtract to their rolls, or (c) affect their "attack speed" value directly can be used after they roll.

    3. My last chance to Charm a speed die is between steps 2 and 3 (I can charm my own speed die after seeing my opponent's attack speed).

    4. My last chance to use Eureka to affect my damage score is before rolling damage on step 4 (because brawn/magic is applied to damage on the same step). Once I roll, it's too late to use Eureka to affect a damage score.

    5. Might of Stone is a modifier ability, So I can use it any time. Therefore, I can use it to augment my armour after my opponent rolls damage, between steps 4 and 5. Is it safe to assume any (co) or (mo) that boost armour can be used here?

    A couple more I'm still not sure enough about to make an assumption:

    6. Are potions used at any time? For example, can I pop my health pot between steps 4 and 5, after I've seen my opponent's damage roll, but before applying armour and converting it to health damage? If not, what about between steps 3 and 4, after seeing that I've lost the round?

    7. Likewise, health-affecting (mo) abilities like Heal - can I use this after my opponent rolls damage on step 4 but before applying it on step 5?

    8. In another potion example, can I wait to pop my Brawn after seeing that I've won the round? (Presumably once I roll damage, it's too late)

    9. Pound is combat ability. The rules say some combat abilities are used before, and some after, rolling for damage, but I'm not sure how to determine which are which. Should I use the same thinking where (a) modifying Brawn/Magic needs to happen before rolling, and (b) changing the number of dice rolled needs to happen before rolling, but other effects can happen after rolling? In the case of Pound, since it modifies the damage score directly, does that mean I can use it *after* rolling for damage (between steps 4 and 5)? (That would mean I can confidently save it to use as a finisher to avoid the speed penalty.)

  • Re: Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

    1.   My last chance to use Eureka (mo) to affect my attack speed is before rolling speed (because it boosts my speed stat, which gets applied on step 1). Once I roll, it's too late to use Eureka to affect a speed score.


    2.   While (sp) abilities are always used before any rolls, (mo) abilities that affect my opponent's speed stat directly need to be used before my opponent rolls speed (between steps 1 and 2) since their speed gets applied on step 2. But (mo) abilities that (a) alter or remove my opponent's die faces (or make them reroll), (b) add or subtract to their rolls, or (c) affect their "attack speed" value directly can be used after they roll.


    3.   My last chance to Charm a speed die is between steps 2 and 3 (I can charm my own speed die after seeing my opponent's attack speed).


    4.   My last chance to use Eureka to affect my damage score is before rolling damage on step 4 (because brawn/magic is applied to damage on the same step). Once I roll, it's too late to use Eureka to affect a damage score.


    5.   Might of Stone is a modifier ability, So I can use it any time. Therefore, I can use it to augment my armour after my opponent rolls damage, between steps 4 and 5. Is it safe to assume any (co) or (mo) that boost armour can be used here?


    A couple more I'm still not sure enough about to make an assumption:
    6.   Are potions used at any time? For example, can I pop my health pot between steps 4 and 5, after I've seen my opponent's damage roll, but before applying armour and converting it to health damage? If not, what about between steps 3 and 4, after seeing that I've lost the round?


    7.   Likewise, health-affecting (mo) abilities like Heal - can I use this after my opponent rolls damage on step 4 but before applying it on step 5?


    8.   In another potion example, can I wait to pop my Brawn after seeing that I've won the round? (Presumably once I roll damage, it's too late)


    9.   Pound is combat ability. The rules say some combat abilities are used before, and some after, rolling for damage, but I'm not sure how to determine which are which. Should I use the same thinking where (a) modifying Brawn/Magic needs to happen before rolling, and (b) changing the number of dice rolled needs to happen before rolling, but other effects can happen after rolling? In the case of Pound, since it modifies the damage score directly, does that mean I can use it *after* rolling for damage (between steps 4 and 5)? (That would mean I can confidently save it to use as a finisher to avoid the speed penalty.)

    I think the ability descriptions are usually pretty clear - and your are probably over thinking things ha ha. At its heart DestinyQuest is a fairly simple combat system. Based on the description you can add to your damage score (after rolling) or use before for other effects.Hope this helps!

  • Re: Combat Timing and Speed Rolls

    Great! Thanks for helping me with all these little details, Da Boss!

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