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Topic: Shadow Speed

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  • Shadow Speed

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm Reading my very first book: Legion of Shadow (italian edition) so I'm quite a newbie.
    I have a question about the skill "Shadow Speed" since the description is not really clear to me:

    Does it apply to every speed roll during the combat or you can use it only once (so only in one round if you roll one or more 1) ?

    Thanx for the answers

  • Re: Shadow Speed

    Hello and welcome to DQ!

    Yeah, that ability should be classified as a passive and not a modifier. So, it applies to ALL rolls of [1] for your hero's speed throughout the combat.

  • Re: Shadow Speed

    What a great news ! Thank you for the explanation.

  • Re: Shadow Speed

    Thanx for the heads-up, updated both the flowcharts (italian and english).
    Soon, you'll see available on Librogame's Land (the italian community of gamebooks) a lot of bonus content for The Legion of Shadow!

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