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Moderators: Da Boss

735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Legendary Monsters

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  • Legendary Monsters

    I know quests cannot be repeated, but what about legendary monster battles? Can I fight, say Mauler from Act 1 (LoS), multiple times if I want more than one of his drops?

  • Re: Legendary Monsters

    No, you can only repeat encounters if you die. If you are successful, then that encounter has been completed and cannot be repeated. Hence, you cannot farm for extra gear.

    As an addition to that - some people find Book One very hard, so if you want to rule that you can gain extra loot, then it's your book and if it improves your experience, I'm all for that.

  • Re: Legendary Monsters

    Thanks for the feedback Da Boss.

    I am trying to stick with the core rules as they were written and not house rule anything. I am trying really hard not to cheat, but I did a bunch of research before I started. I knew Book 1 was going to be the most difficult, and that speed in this book is very valuable. I checked out other Rogue builds on the forums and saw what works and what doesn't. I also have a list of gear I am hunting for as I progress through the book. The spreadsheet on the downloads section of this site was very useful for that.

    I figure I will suffer a bunch of failed encounters, but I feel I am going to give myself the best possible chance and hope for some lucky rolls. I am the type of player that doesn't get discouraged by a few fails. It just makes the eventual victory that much sweeter!

    Happy hunting!!

    As a side note...

    I have played many gamebooks, and I do not feel the DestinyQuest series gets as much love as it should. I see mostly positive reviews from everyone, but it normally doesn't crack any 'top gamebooks' lists. Many of us gamebookers were playing through the 80's and early 90's so I see the lovefest for the Fighting Fantasy books and the Lone Wold series, but people really need to open their eyes to some newer gamebooks like DestinyQuest because it is fri%%in' fantastic!! I am loving it.

  • Re: Legendary Monsters

    Thanks for the kind words! I think perhaps I shot myself in the foot a little by making the first book quite a tough challenge, coupled with the fact that it is the most 'video game' -ish of the series. A lot of people didn't stick around for The Heart of Fire, which addressed every criticism and (in my humble opinion) is one of the best gamebooks I could have written. I've continued to perfect the books with each installment. Just a shame that Book one was so divisive.

    Good luck with your adventure. Sounds like you are well-equipped to take on the challenge! Let us know how you get on.

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