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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: DQ2 - Act 2: Kaala and Snakebite Shake

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  • DQ2 - Act 2: Kaala and Snakebite Shake

    Hi - just a quick question. Does 'Snakebite Shake' work against Kaala's 'Lethal Venom'? I am assuming it does but wanted to confirm before taking this beastie on (I have a 'Golden Mirror' as well, which bodes well! )

  • Re: DQ2 - Act 2: Kaala and Snakebite Shake

    Yep, it removes all types of venom. Good luck!

  • Re: DQ2 - Act 2: Kaala and Snakebite Shake

    Excellent! I'm dragging my Golden Mirror out of my pack and stepping grimly forward with renewed confidence!

    Edit: Easily conquered Kaala. I seemed to be perfectly equipped to deal with this enemy. I had a Gold Mirror, Snakebite Shake, decent Armour and a number of abilities that allowed me to avoid damage, deflect it or boost my Armour even further so I just ended up playing the waiting game until Kaala ended up with eight '1's. Nice!

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