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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Double KO! question

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  • Double KO! question

    I was in a combat situation where I received damage every time a specific number was rolled.

    A) I applied this to every single roll that occurred for both me and the monster. This included both speed and damage checks(which made things even more crazy if I rolled the number for monster damage rolls) Was that supposed to be the case?

    B) The specific situation was that I won the speed roll, but rolled the number on the opposing speed roll. I calculated damage to occur at the same time. This ended up reducing both my opponent's AND my health to zero at the same time. What happens in this particular instance?

    I resolved it by treating it as a loss, but I'm curious if there was any other way it would have been interpreted. Thanks in advance.

  • Re: Double KO! question

    Anytime your hero's health is reduced to zero in a combat it is a defeat, even if this occurs simultaneously with the defeat of your opponent. For example, if at the end of the round, you both suffer passive damage that takes both your health values to zero, then it is a defeat.

    Which combat are you referring to? I'm trying to think of an instance when your hero takes damage from both speed die results and damage rolls.

  • Re: Double KO! question

    I figured that's how it should be interpreted.

    This was during the Rat Extermination Quest vs the Leader(in ratling form) where rolling a 1 at anytime inflicts one damage to the player that bypasses armor. I hope that helps.

  • Re: Double KO! question

    I always treat it like in PvP combat (see the downloads page): the fighter with the highest speed stat's ability is activated first.

    Then again, that's just me.

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