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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Career changing and items

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  • Career changing and items

    If I am wearing/using one or more items for a specific career and I change careers would the items immediately become un-equipped or even destroyed?

  • Re: Career changing and items

    If the item doesn't have a 'requirement' then it won't be destroyed/unequipped. I can't, off-hand, think of any examples in HoF of when you would lose an item due to a career choice - you simply lose the associated career abilities with that item. Otherwise, you would be at a serious disadvantage losing attribute stats.

    The only time an item is destroyed in the game is Mortzilla's spear (if you take that option) - but a replacement weapon is right around the corner...

  • Re: Career changing and items

    It was specifically the Pariah's items from quest 217 I wanted to be sure about. They say requirement pariah but if I change career your just saying I keep the attribute boosts but loose the career combat abilities, is that right?

  • Re: Career changing and items

    Hmm, good point. Yes, you would keep the set items but lose the associated ability. Otherwise, I think you'd end up at a serious disadvantage.

    I agree, I think it could be a bit of a grey area - like the venommancer swapping to thief, but keeping a snake equipped. It's not a perfect transition - in Winter's Fury all 'career items' are equippable by path (i.e. they are not specific to career), you only get the extra benefits if you have the career that specialises in that item.

  • Re: Career changing and items

    Okay, thanks. Oh, nice, like the Winter's Fury idea.

  • Re: Career changing and items

    I saw requirements as something you need to first pick up the gear but once you have it you can keep it until you need to swap it. I wonder if some players may exploit that rule? The solution for winters fury sounds like a good one.

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