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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Gold Detector + pick pocket

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  • Gold Detector + pick pocket

    I am working off memory here, but I was wondering how the both would interact. I would assume you would only get the double up the once. And you wouldn't be able to double, then double again any gold found.

    I did wonder about multiple copies of piercing, but found the answer already. Makes more sense. Can not wait to have a second play through to test another character and learn from my mistakes. First run through I tried sticking with a 10-12 speed 12 - 14 brawn and about a 8 - 10 armour. Which just made me lose everything. As soon as I clicked to ditching pretty much all armour and having high powered speed and brawn it was a lot less frustrating.

  • Re: Gold Detector + pick pocket

    I played a pickpocket. As I read the rules, the gold detector doubles gold you find. The lootmaster ability is separate and gives you bonus gold if you choose not to take items. Interesting sidenote: in the original book pickpockets couldn't use the beep beep ability but now they can. Neat

  • Re: Gold Detector + pick pocket

    I remember writing down the beep beep ability thinking it was pretty cool. Then choosing pickpocket and thinking the 2 were powerful. If I remember right they both doubled one source of gold, and only one of the abilities doubled another. Although the gold was nothing compared to getting to take all the loot.

  • Re: Gold Detector + pick pocket

    Do you have the original book or the newer special edition, Jappy? The pickpocket career was changed in the special edition. In the original (purple cover), the lightfingers ability allowed the pickpocket to double all gold rewards. This could not be used in conjunction with the gold detector.

    In the special edition (blue cover), the pickpocket now has two 'new' abilities - patchwork pauper (allows you to transfer abilities from item to item) and an improved loot master (gives you 20 gold if you choose not to take an offered item reward).

    Tatties is correct, Beep beep! does not double gold from the loot master ability, it only effects the gold rewards you find through 'ordinary' means.

  • Re: Gold Detector + pick pocket

    Agree about the dumping of armour for speed and damage.

    I keep thinking when I read these someone should make a fan tips site. There must be a heck of alot of game knowledge kicking around and it would benefit new players. I learned the hard way dying many times until it clicked about the speed and damage attributes. Reading others posts it seems the same. It would have helped me to have some strategy guides or item help with what to pick, careers and stuff. At the moment most of my knowledge comes from picking through these forums or studying the hero uploads.

  • Re: Gold Detector + pick pocket

    I found a site with some maps on a while back but didn't seem that helpful. I'd like to see some proper player guides too or some kind of hero builder where I can see all the items in one place.

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