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735 Posts in 207 Topics by 140 members

Topic: Alchemy Question

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  • Alchemy Question

    I got Destiny Quest book 1 for Christmas, and I have to say it is without a doubt the best gamebook I have ever played. At first I expected it to basically be a larger version of Fighting Fantasy to tide me over until I got my next book back, but this turned out to be much better, with insanely addicting gameplay and fun adventures.

    I cannot praise this game enough, and I'll be on the look out for Destiny Quest book 2 for sure! Anyways, I started up a character and decided that I wanted to make the game harder at first. I was so unused to play a gamebook that didn't have permadeath that I decided it needed an extra challenge. Needless to say, after fail two or three quests I was quite thoroughly screwed over at Act 2, especially since Rogues got much less HP then I expected, so I made a new character. This one's a mage and is doing much better so far!

    So I'm at the start of Act 2 and I'm an alchemist. One of my perks is that I can roll a die and add that it to the potions benefit, which makes sense for things that just give straight health or magic, but what about the more complicated potions? For example, a glittercap mushroom increases my magic by three points for two turns and then decreases it by one for the rest of the combat. What would the dice roll effect in that situation?

    I love being an alchemist because of the troll blood I got from killing the troll in act 1 boss. Instead of getting 2hp a round, I could get up to 8 hp a round, making me pretty much invincible.

    So would if i rolled a 4 would the dice roll make it +7 magic for 6 turns or +7 magic for 2 turns... or, wait a second, would it even apply since the item I'm using is a mushroom and not a potion!?

  • Re: Alchemy Question

    Wow, thank you for the praise - glad you are enjoying the book!

    I've actually 'updated' the description for Good taste in the special edition version coming out in may. The new text reads:

    Good taste (pa): Each time you use a backpack item to increase your magic in combat, roll 1 die and add the result to the item’s benefit.

    So, whereas before it didn't cover mushrooms (as they are not a 'potion'), now it does. However, the ability has been narrowed down to focus solely on items that boost magic, rather than other abilities such as speed.

    For the use of mushrooms, you would roll a die and apply that result to the usual +3 bonus for two turns. Then you would decrease your base magic by 1 for the remainder of the combat.

    For example, a mage has 18 magic. You roll a [3] so would benefit from +6 magic for two rounds (24 magic). Then when the effect wears off, the mage would have 17 magic for the remainder of the combat.

    I hope that helps!

  • Re: Alchemy Question

    Hi, i'm fairly new to DestinyQuest but i have to say without a doubt it is the best gamebook adventure i have ever read. I was a big fan of Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series due to the continuity of the world (Valeron is immersive both in lore and design)"and you have provided me the same continuity but with different protagonists, and for that i would like to sincerely 'THANK YOU' for this book.

    I hope the original poster don't mind me using thread to post a question in relations to alchemy. I'm in Act 2 and i also am a Mage class. I noticed that items like 'Ghoul's Hair' and 'Spider's Leg' are listed as 'backpack' but others like 'root grass' are 'note in hero sheet'. I understand that the former items uses 'backpack' slots and the letter are noted down under 'notes' (am i right?). My question is as an alchemist or by general can the backpack items be noted down instead and free up space or not. I'm pretty confused (and hoping not to destroy my 'Troll's Blood' to buy the 'Grimwold's' alchemy book ( this takes up a backpack space right? And so does 'Dwarven Runes' book , right?). Hope you can clarify this for me.

    And looking forward to the career makeover for 'Eye of Winter's Fury' that i read on another thread. And thank you again for ALL this.

  • Re: Alchemy Question

    I'm glad you are enjoying the books and always an honour to be mentioned in the same breath as the great Joe Dever.

    You are right, backpack items must occupy a backpack slot (such as potions and the books you mention). The herbs to make potions do not take up any space in your backpack so are just noted down. Alchemy doesn't have any effect on this I'm afraid.

  • Re: Alchemy Question

    I noticed you mentioned only books and potions. Does material like 'Ghoul's Hair' take up backpack slot as well? Let me thank you for taking the time to reply in short notice. And it was in no way an exaggeration when i likened you with Joe Dever. That is how i honestly feel it. And since its a new series, it has so much time to grow. Wish you great success.

  • Re: Alchemy Question

    No problem!

    Any item/piece of equipment that has (backpack) written for its description is a backpack item and must be placed in one of your backpack boxes. So, yes 'ghoul's hair' would take up a backpack space. (Let's assume it's a big chest wig!)

    Any time when the text says 'simply make a note of [item] on your hero sheet' then it does not use up a backpack space.

    Hope that clears up any confusion!

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