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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Steal

Page: 1
  • Steal

    First of all - sorry for my persistent questions but I really appreciate the rules guidance.

    My mage has found a Ring with the Steal ability. It lets me take the stat of an enemy for a round. I was wondering if you can trigger this as an "interrupt" to steal the enemy's armour score. Or do I need to declare this at the start of the turn?

    More generally, can all combat abilities be used as "interupts", so they can cancel or modify a roll already made.


  • Re: Steal

    steal is a modifier ability, so it can be used whenever you wish. Therefore, you can use it to 'steal' your opponent's armour if you have lost a round. Cool, huh?

    I'm not sure what you mean re: combat abilities used as 'interrupts'. Each combat ability's description should explain when it can be used. It will either be:

    1) When you do damage to an opponent
    2) when your opponent does damage to you

    If this is still unclear, have a look at the Hero vs. Hero rules. They give a more detailed breakdown of when abilities can be used.

    I hope that helps!

  • Re: Steal

    Thanks of this.

    On a related note - I was wondering how the potion of invisibility (from act 2) functions - it grants the "vanish" ability. Does this apply to the next hit I recieve (even if in a subsequent round from drinking the potion) or can you choose to drink it after the creature has hit you and rolled for damage? (this is what I meant by 'interupts'). Sorry if its a silly question (I haven't got my books to refer to at work)

  • Re: Steal

    Potions can be used at any time, so exist outside of the normal 'speed/combat' system. So yes, technically, you could drink the potion once you have seen your opponent's damage score.

    Whereas the ordinary ability is used as soon as an opponent wins a combat round (before they roll for damage), as per the glossary description.

    Good question, LoneWolf. I can see how that one might be a grey area!

  • Re: Steal

    Excellent that's really useful then.

    One last question then - Can I buy multiple potions of the same type? I assume you can stock-pile potions of healing etc but wasn't entirely sure!!

  • Re: Steal

    Q Can I buy multiple potions of the same type?
    A Yeah but you can only have 1 potion in each slot of your backpack. The most potions you can ever have is 5.

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