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Topic: Maximus, Cavalier

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  • Maximus, Cavalier

    Name: Claudius Maximus
    Path: Warrior
    Career: Cavalier (Shield spin, Shield wall)
    Title: The Champion of Light (Bright shield)
    Stats: 15 Speed, 13 Brawn, 0 Magic, 17 Armour

    Head: Brain infusers (2Sp, 3Ar) - Lightning
    Cloak: Iron-mane (2Sp, 3Ar) - Second skin
    Gloves: Gauntlets of the fallen (3Br, 2Ar) - Finnery of the fallen
    Chest: Plate of the fallen (2Sp, 4Ar) - Finery of the fallen
    Feet: Twisted treads (2Sp, 2Br) - Trickster

    Main hand: Grimm reaper (3Sp, 5Br) - Brutality
    Left hand: Talanost's wall (2Sp, 5Ar) - Deflect

    Talisman: Sands of time (1Sp) - Time shift

    Necklace: Glacial shards (1Sp, 1Br) - Piercing
    Ring: Dryad's band (1Br) - Thorn armour
    Ring: Finger of fire (1Br) - Sear

    Notes: Playing with a warrior was definitely thougher than with a mage. In act 3, didn't finish winter's hill and lost the red quest in the second battle. Then decided to give up brawn for speed and armour and things got better. With high speed and armour, it's more difficult to lose combat rounds and, when I lose them, it's more difficult to take damage. Also, I have a lot of abilities that avoid damage and inflict it in return, which makes the low brawn less problematic. I liked this build a lot, and the warrior path was both challenging and rewarding.

    Just the rogue to go now!

  • Re: Maximus, Cavalier


    I agree with you about the warrior benefiting from high armour. My first hero was a heavy tank build and I gave up brawn for armour and speed. It feels like that is how the warrior is meant to be played. When you factor in the different retaliation abilities and the awesome fallen hero then you can get an unstoppable hero. I just regret not having kickstart as that would have given me even more options.

    I'd like inquisitor for my next warrior hero. They probably have the best abilities for an armour build. I'd also really like the new loot card to go with it!

  • Re: Maximus, Cavalier

    Hey there Blokka,

    Yeah, contrary to popular belief around here, high armour can be very useful for a warrior. You just need to make sure you get second skin, otherwise you may have a serious problem when you face opponents with the piercing ability (even though I've played most of the book without it). With a decent speed, a few retaliation abilities and piercing, you may end most of your fights unharmed! With my abilities, I could probably lose about 5 combat rounds and not take damage (and inflict some damage in return).

    Unfortunately, Laine didn't survive the blue quest in act 3. With my armour, avenging spirit would've been really awesome, but I'm very happy with cavalier. The abilities are a very good match for my build.

    Fallen hero is really great and, combined with the additional stamina that warriors get, in the end you have 20 health points more than rogues, that's something!

    I'm just not happy with my head and talisman pieces. I feel that lightning is not of much use for me. I gave up the crown of command to get brain infusers because I needed the extra speed, but command was much better than lightning. I regret passing on Firewalker's faceguard when I defeated Magmageddon, I'd have one less speed point, but I'd get overpower. And for time shift, the faster opponent in the book has 15 speed, so it has no use for me. Maybe in The Four Generals we will face some really fast folks?

  • Re: Maximus, Cavalier

    I'm just not happy with my head and talisman pieces.

    Really?? I thought lightning would be a cool ability for a high armour build. Doing 2 damage each time you are hit is good isn't it? I sort of agree with the talisman. blinding dust or heart of the beast would offer more useful abilities. I like the idea of a high armour build now, I might give it a spin.

  • Re: Maximus, Cavalier

    In general, I'd say that lightning is a great ability, but for my build it wasn't very useful. First, I have many abilities that certainly (or almost certainly) will avoid damage (brutality, deflect, shield wall, thorn armour and bright shield). Even after I use all those abilities (if the battle lasts that long), there is some chance that, if I lose a round, I won't take damage because of my high armour. So, I'm not saying it isn't a good ability, but in my situation I think that something like overpower would be far better.

    Actually, I'm currently trying to come up with a new tank build. I'm near the end of act 2 and I'm already trying to figure out what I want for my end-game build. Perhaps I'll lose a bit in stats, but I could get better abilities overall. Hopefully, I can get Inquisitor this time, if not I'll keep the Cavalier.

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