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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Angeline (mage)

Page: 1
  • Angeline (mage)

    High time I joined up to the hero club so here is my first hero, a icelock. With all these heroes we should form a supergroup like the avengers!

    Name: Angeline ‘the Betrayer’
    Path: Mage
    Career: Icelock
    Stats: 14 speed, 27 magic, 3 armour

    Head: Morgue (+2 speed, +4 magic) Leech
    Cloak: Slipstream silk (+3 speed, +2 magic) Surge
    Gloves: Abbatoir gloves (+1 speed, +4 magic) Bleed
    Chest: Deathgrip robes (+2 speed, +3 magic) Corruption
    Feet: Bewitched boots (+2 speed, +2 magic) Dominate

    Main hand (staff): Tempest’s fury (+2 speed, +5 magic) Windblast
    Left hand (whip): Torment (+2 speed, +4 magic) Disease

    Talisman: Winter’s heart (+1 armour) Icelock career

    Necklace: Chilblain’s tears (+1 magic, +1 armour) Piercing
    Ring: Spider sapphire (+1 magic, +1 armour) Webbed
    Ring: Avatar’s circle (+1 magic) Overload

    Now what path to play next………

  • Re: Angeline (mage)

    With gear like that and a title like 'the betrayer' there is something ironic about the name Angeline ;o) lol

  • Re: Angeline (mage)

    Ha yes it is all very sinister sounding isn't it? Perhaps a change of name is in order..... Hell's Angel?

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