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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Perceval

Page: 1
  • Perceval

    Name: Perceval
    Title: Champion of Light (Bright shield)
    Path: Warrior
    Career: Inquisitor (Cleansing light, Avenging spirit)

    Attributes: Speed 13, Brawn 21, Armour 6

    Head: Firewalker’s faceguard (+1 sp, +3 ar, Overpower)
    Cloak: Broken wings (+2sp, +2br, Fearless)
    Gloves: Barbed bracers (+2br, +2ar, Barbs)
    Chest: Funeral wraps (+2sp, +3br, Bleed)
    Feet: Rumble thumpers (+1sp, +3br, Knockdown)

    Mainhand: Spinal tap (+3sp, +4br, Impale)
    Lefthand: Thunderhammer (+2 sp, +4br, Shock!)

    Necklace: Horn of courage (+1sp,+1 br, Courage)
    Ring: Splintered band (+2br, Retaliation)
    Ring: Cutter’s cornelian (1ar, Piercing)
    Talisman: Sands of time (+1sp, Time shift)

  • Re: Perceval

    My character, Blackthorne (sorry about the other Blackthorne, I didn't realise) would be slaughtered by you!

  • Re: Perceval

    Nice hero, Perceval. Did you get Laine to survive first time? Took me a few tries; not easy.

  • Re: Perceval

    I was just lucky. I honestly didn't know he was linked to the career until you get back to the camp. That was a very cool moment! I had the luck of the dice in that quest. Gull almost survived (he had the wights(?) down to 10 health) and Klaret almost had his enemies defeated. I rolled a lot of sixes! I think it was the luck of the fluffy dice I found in the chest ha ha!

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