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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

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  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Hi Randy
    Thank you for sharing your awesome hero. The Legion of Shadow is probably the toughest of all the books. It might be worth noting that I made quite a significant amount of balance changes to the book (for the Italian edition) that are provided here:

    You may also want to check out the player guide on the downloads page, that also catalogues these for you.

    To be honest, most of the changes were to help bolster warrior and warrior loot, and tweak some combats to make them less harrowing.

    There are a few bows in the game but they are warrior equipment. Also, fire is mostly a mage element - although there are a few abilities like sear that a rogue can claim throughout the adventure.

    I hope that you continue to enjoy the book. Rogues are pretty strong in the Legion of Shadow if you can keep an eye on your speed and brawn - you should be fine!

  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Ohh! Sorry for my late reply, but that is interesting to hear you made some balance changes. I'll make sure to check them out, thanks! And I'll check out the player guide too.

    And huh, guess I chose the wrong path for bows, but that's fine since rogues are very nice. I'll keep that in mind when I move onto the next books.

    Anyways, I've made some progress with Yoimiya since I first posted her equipment. I'll probably update my first post soon when I accomplish what I perceive as a great deed during Act 2.

  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Rogues get flintlocks in Raiders of Dune Sea - so you can turn your rogue into a Clint Eastwood style gunslinger lol.

    By the way, did you know that the latest book is now on Kickstarter? The Wrath of Ragnarok. In case you are interested.

  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Ah, thank you for informing me! I have seen Wrath of Ragnarok on Kickstarter now. I've been thinking about chipping in a bit to contribute, but as nice as the reward tiers are, they don't interest me a big deal because I'm more of a digital reader than a physical reader, so I feel getting a paperback copy may be counterintuitive for me; or, is there an option to still get a digital copy from the reward tiers?

  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Wrath will eventually be an eBook but not at the moment. I always tend to push the physical first.

  • Re: Yoimiya - DestinyQuest 1 Rogue

    Well! It's good to be backin' a DestinyQuest kickstarter. Anywho, a lot has changed for my heroine since she started Act 2. I've decided to make a new post instead of edit the original post, since I wanted to showcase some sort of "evolution" in equipment, stats, and career.

    First things first, I'm currently wrapping up the last of Act 2 quests, as well as doing any remaining legendary encounters and doing the arena in New Hope. I liked a lot of the story beats and twists that occurred in this act. I've also unlocked the Assassin career, which is the only other career I've unlocked in this act, but I couldn't let go of the Pickpocket's Loot Master ability that easily. Not to mention, I am not using venom for this build, so that and Death Strike's Bull's Eye ability means the Assassin does nothing for my heroine. Though, it sounds cool!

    (Currently progressing through the Act 2 red quest, The Sunken City, at the time of this post)

    Name: Yoimiya
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Pickpocket
    Health: 35
    Stats: 10sp, 15br, 0ma, 2ar
    Defeats: Lost count. Likely somewhere between high 70s and low 90s.

    Head: Horns of the Bull (1sp 2ar) charge
    Cloak: Cobwebbed Cape (2sp 2br) webbed
    Gloves: Nightwalker Gloves (1sp 2br) nightwalker set [gut ripper]
    Chest: Nightwalker Tunic (1sp 2br) nightwalker set [gut ripper]
    Feet: Shadow Treads (1sp 2br) sidestep

    Main hand: Ardent Edge (sword) (1sp 2br) parry
    Left hand: Death Strike (bow) (1sp 3br) bull's eye

    Talisman: Spindle's Eye (1sp) charm

    Necklace: Beetle-Shell Garland (1sp) charm
    Ring: Dryad's Band (1br) thorn armour
    Ring: Finger of Fire (1br) sear

    Other: Gold Detector () beep! beep!


    I've realized charmstacking isn't very useful. While it's nice to have charm on hand, having five might be a bit too excessive. Also, I may have accidentally broken a few rules while playing through Act 2, but that doesn't matter as long as I still have fun and adhere to the basic rules (especially in combat) to the best of my ability.

    Regardless, I had a very rough time during Act 2 since that is where my defeats began to rack up, whether because of lack of preparation, lack of synchronization between equipment, overconfidence, or bad luck. Despite being a Pickpocket, there were also situations where I did not have enough funds, which may be due to me using healing or buffing items in fights I ended up losing. It was also during this time that I began to use the Italian Edition changes whenever possible to make fights more bearable.

    With patience, perseverance and luck, I marched onward, vanquished most of Act 2's legendary monsters and completed most of the Act 2 quests (of which I enjoyed the count's ball the most). Eventually, I got my hands on the Nightwalker Set, and thus, I feel like I am at a point where my build might truly come online. Although, my speed could use some more work.

    I was surprised when I came across Death Strike since that is a non-warrior Bow, which I immediately equipped since Yoimiya is supposed to be an archer.

    Anywho, I can't wait to finish Act 2 and move on to the final act.

    Also, Loot Master + Beep Beep! from the Gold Detector is a very nice money-making combo, and Sear is pretty solid!

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