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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Arkendrak Ragestorm

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  • Arkendrak Ragestorm

    Name: Arkendrak Ragestorm
    Path: Warrior
    Career: Gladiator (Blood rage, Head butt)
    Title: Champion of the Light (Bright shield)

    Speed: 17
    Brawn: 30
    Magic: 0
    Armour: 0
    Health: 55

    Head: Black Widow (+2 S, +2 B, Webbed)
    Cloak: Nemesis Shroud (+2 S, +3 B, Dark pact)
    Gloves: Scissor Hands (+1 S, +4 B, Piercing)
    Chest: Raider's Tunic (+2 S, +4 B, Retaliation)
    Feet: Barbarous Boots (+2 S, +3 B, Savagery)

    Main hand: Retribution (+3 S +6 B, Feral fury)
    Left hand: Thunder Hammer (+2 S, +4 B, Shock)

    Talisman: Dour's whetstone (+1 S, Piercing)
    Necklace: Horn of Courage (+1 S, +1 B, Courage)
    Ring: Khana's Revenge (+2 B, Bleed)
    Ring: Tooth 'n Claw (+1 S, +1 B, Sideswipe)

    Extra abilities:
    Snakes alive!, Windwalker

    Backpack: Compendium of Dwarf Lore, Gold Detector, Fluffy Dice, Pot of Mending, Elixir of Swiftness


    Round 1 - Use Courage to attack with Speed 21, then assuming hit, use Dark pact, Feral Fury, Piercing, Savagery and Shock to do 36 + 2D6 + (enemy's armour/2) damage, all ignoring armour (averaging around 50 damage say). Bleed also applies from this point on for an extra 1 damage per round. (Also lose 4 Health from Dark pact).

    Round 2 - Use Webbed on enemy, then assuming hit again, use Windwalker to do 30 + 2D6 damage (plus Bleed).

    Round 3 - (Blood Rage should kick in now) Use Snakes alive! on enemy and do 32 + D6 damage each round hereafter (plus Bleed).

    Defensive skills to use when needed:
    Bright shield, Head butt, Retaliation, Sideswipe.

    I think? all the above is legit (but let me know if I'm doing something wrong). Basically I took items based on Speed > Brawn > Armour > Magic, and then favoured abilities that increased damage (Piercing was a particular favourite, since it typically did in the range of 12 extra damage a combat, hence I ended up having two items with it in case one got replaced with another ability).

    I also made use of the additional items on offer from downloads section (I think the Raider's Tunic is one such item)... I typically breezed through combats with a few quick and hard hits (vs. multiple opponents I usually targeted the big guy first), and I think? never actually lost a combat. I missed the Berserker career, but never found anything better than the Gladiator in terms of maxing out damage... Surprised to see I ended up with higher speed than others here, I was maxing it out but I figured the Rogues could end up with Speed 18-19 no?

    (I should add this was my second playthrough, the first one being a Rogue I got to halfway through Act 2, and without the extra items on the downloads. He died lots and struggled without enough Speed or Health to out-slug some of the big guys... So I restarted with the above hero and did a lot better )

    Many congratulations Mr. Ward in creating such an original, well-balanced and epic masterpiece!

  • Re: Arkendrak Ragestorm

    Great build and thanks for the kind words!

    The only downside to your strategy is that you can only use one combat ability a round. Therefore, you can't use feral fury, piercing, dark pact and shock! all in the same round. Now that would be a little OP ;)

    But with your gear and speed, don't think you would have had any problems anyway. So... think you're ready for the team battles in Book Two? Those bosses will be quaking in their loot piles!

  • Re: Arkendrak Ragestorm

    ah *reads rules again* only one combat ability per round (and one speed ability for that matter, though I was at least doing that)... Whoops! That would make a difference, but probably not enough to change the outcome of battles as you suggest ;)

    I have started HoF (been playing on the Kindle, which I've actually found easier to manage than the paperback I have for LoS), but only halfway through Act 1, so nothing worth showing yet ;) -I haven't had quite the same speed advantage I had in the first book though (partially due to not having extra speed items to stock up on via downloads, and no means, yet, of gambling my way to a higher gold total to spend haha), but this just makes the challenge more satisfying to overcome! -My new hero does have Savagery and Dark pact already though, so I guess I'll be using those on consecutive rounds from now on ;)

    When I eventually get to the end, I'll be sure to post my HoF hero too..

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