Legion hero (1st play)

Name: Vhalor
Path: Rogue
Career: Swordmaster
Stats: Speed (15) Brawn (23) Magic (1) Armour (0) Health (45)

Head: Cover of darkness
Cloak: Hulking shoulders
Gloves: Reaper’s fists
Chest: Funeral wraps
Feet: Twisted treads

Main hand: Serenity
Left hand: Ice splinter

Talisman: Craven’s head
Necklace: Eye of shadow
Ring: Sinister shadows
Ring: Circle of thorns

Speed: Haste, Snakes alive
Combat: Evade, Piercing, Vanish, Deep Wound, Sidestep, Windwalker
Passive: Barbs, Bleed, Thorns, Ambidextrous, Swift strikes
Modifier: Trickster. Critical strike, Bright shield