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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: DQ4 - Trouble out of Tombstone

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  • DQ4 - Trouble out of Tombstone

    I was wondering if anyone could help - I've just started the first book (really enjoyed the first 3 - played them several times) and I'm almost at the end of act 1. I've done pretty much every mission except a few legendries and the red quest at entry number 68 "Trouble out of Tombstone". However, this quest requires the keyword "raider" before accessing; I don't think I have it and I can't see anything else I can do before the boss monster. If any one knows where/how you can get access to this quest I'd greatly appreciate it.

  • Re: DQ4 - Trouble out of Tombstone

    Glad you are enjoying the books.

    I am moving this to the spoiler forum .

    To unlock this quest you have to trigger a couple of events, which are based off of choices you make during Act 1.

    * spoiler *
    If you get caught by the sheriff then you'll end up in jail. That starts this quest line. You won't be able to do this now, as you are too far progressed in the story.

    Don't worry if you didn't unlock this quest. You won't be really missing out on anything special really. If you've done all the other stuff then you will be more than ready for the final boss.

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