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Topic: puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

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  • puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

    Allright, i have the book in french so i don't know if the chapters are the same. I'm on front of a dwarf puzzle underwater ( red quest on map2). 3 lines: i have found 60 for the star, 56 for the sun and 15 for the moon. I've tried a millions ways to add up thoses numbers, but neither are good ( 725 may be it, because it's still in the dwarf temple, but nothing indicates me if it's strait after the door, or just another chapter in this quest)

    I hope i've been understood. Thx for the replies

  • Re: puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

    First of all, which book is it?

  • Re: puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

    I haven't played the book for a while now so relying on my messy character pages. Sounds like you have two puzzles confused. In the sunkern temple quest you need a stone tablet and that gives you a number to add to open the wall. The star, moon and sun is for another quest earlier. The one in the crater where you fight the fire demons and dragon.

  • Re: puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

    I checked the book and see what puzzle you are stuck on. I had the answer 131 on my page but can't remember how I got there. The numbers you have are correct then (?)

  • Re: puzzle 530 ( door, 3 lines: star sun moon)

    This puzzle also gave me a bit of head scratching but here is what I got:

    3 (+2) 5 (x2) 10 (+3) 13 (x2) 26 (+4) 30 (x2) = 60

    4 (x2) 8 (-2) 6 (x3) 18 (-3) 15 (x4) 60 (-4) = 56

    6 (x3) 18 (/2) 9 (x4) 36 (/3) 12 (x5) 60 (/4) = 15

    60 + 56 + 15 = 131

    I hate dwarven locksmiths

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