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Topic: Were the ebooks updated?

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  • Were the ebooks updated?

    Hi, I was looking at the Google Play Store, to see if the ebook version of book 5 was out. Sadly, it isn't there. However, I did notice that the prices for books 2 and 3 had increased from $3 and $4, to $6 each, since last I checked, a few months ago. Idk if the price to the first book changed, as I already own it. Was this a random price change, or did they go through and update the books, to match their printed counterparts? I know, at least the first ebook, had many errors, that were fixed in later printings.

  • Re: Were the ebooks updated?

    The price change is just a random one. I don't set those - they are probably decided by my publisher (Gollancz) or the Google Play store (sometimes they discount for a while, then revert to the publisher's set price).

    Book 5 ebook is coming very soon. I just approved the file/text last Friday, so it should be going up any day now.

    As for Legion ebook, the fully updated version is coming. I have pressed Gollancz again to confirm with me when that should be. They were due to get the final file over a week ago and I have not heard anything. I will pop an update up when I know.

  • Re: Were the ebooks updated?

    Thank you so much. I'm excited to finally play through the first book. I still need to sit down and finish the fourth one, so I’m ready for book 5.

  • Re: Were the ebooks updated?

    Wrath of Ragnarok is now available as an ebook on Amazon (and will soon appear on other retailers' sites, including Apple Books, Kobo and Google Play).

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