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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 2)

Page: 1
  • Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 2)

    Entry 716
    Ink-stained vest
    +2 speed +2 brawn
    Ability: steal

    Pirate bandana
    +1 speed +2 brawn
    Ability: feint

    Captain’s boots
    +2 speed +1 armour
    Ability: surefooted

    Entry 717

    Ghoul pack Armour 8

    Entry 756

    Packmaster Health 50

    Entry 768

    Necromancers Speed 14 Magic 12 Armour 8 Health 50
    Skeleton horde Speed 13 Magic 8 Armour 10 Health 60

    Entry 772

    Bone construct Speed 12 Health 50

    Entry 776

    Wyvern jaws
    +1 speed +2 magic
    Ability: savagery

    Entry 781

    Ghoul pack Health 60

    Glossary additions

    Consume (mo): Reduce the result of each of your opponent’s die results for attack speed by 1 (to a minimum of 1). You can only use this ability once per combat.

    Rebound (co): When your opponent’s damage score causes health damage, you can use rebound to increase your speed by 2 for the next combat round only. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    Surefooted (mo): You may reroll all of your hero’s speed dice. You must accept the result of the second roll.

    Watchful (mo): Use any time in combat to change an opponent’s [6] result to a [1]. You can only use this ability once per combat.

  • Re: Legion of Shadow changes - Italian edition (part 2)

    Thanks for sharing!

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