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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Kindle vs Paperback?

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  • Kindle vs Paperback?

    I have yet to buy but was wondering if anyone has used the kindle edition and can compare to using the paperback? I keep picturing flipping back and forth in the paperback so I can’t see the kindle edition being easier to use.


  • Re: Kindle vs Paperback?

    Personally, I prefer the physical books - as it is easier to flip to the rules, glossary and maps when needed - and there's nothing nicer than flipping back and forth in a physical book rather than swiping at a screen. But everyone is different - and some do prefer the eBook versions as they are certainly lighter and easier if travelling.

    Although, with both, you still need a print out of the hero sheet, dice etc.

  • Re: Kindle vs Paperback?

    Definitely the physical copy,the kindle is great but there is just something about holding the physical book.

  • Re: Kindle vs Paperback?

    Thanks, Da Boss and RuralLeech. I thought as much. I also prefer physical books for things like games and such.

    I did order book 4 as I only saw it available in paperback. I thought I would give it a try.

  • Re: Kindle vs Paperback?

    Kindle Only. I love the links.

    That being said, I've only just bought these on Amazon and haven't opened them yet. I've played Fabled Lands both in book form and ebook, and I have discovered that the links are way too great an option to scorn.

    I play gamebooks on my iPad in split screen. On one side is the book, on the other side is my graphics app where I keep track on my character sheets.

    I'm really looking forward to DestinyQuest 4: The Raiders of Dune Sea being released on Kindle!

  • Re: Kindle vs Paperback?

    Thanks for the input. I just received my iPad so I will give that a try.

    What app do you use for the character sheet?

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