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Topic: Win an Amazon voucher

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  • Win an Amazon voucher

    If you share your Book Four hero before 1 June, you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

    Check out the details in the News story:

  • Re: Win an Amazon voucher

    I got Gloomhaven to play solo, so that’s my life now, but I’ll finish up the book and post my hero by the end of May.

  • Re: Win an Amazon voucher

    Gloomhaven is a great game - good luck! (Although the difficulty can be frustrating at times!)

  • Re: Win an Amazon voucher

    It always looks like I have no chance early on, the things go well and I’m totally gonna make it, then I have no chance again, then my three heroes burn their strongest cards and my Cragheart has enough left to carry us to victory. I am perfect so far, though I’ve played some scenarios on easy and screwed some things up in my favor. It helps that when monsters act or you move them, you can decide ties. I 100% do it in my favor.

  • Re: Win an Amazon voucher

    I never had the cragheart in my team, but from what I hear he is a good solid choice with survivability and good aoe attacks. I had the brute, tinkerer (for healing), spellweaver and scoundrel. Did okay for the first ten or so scenarios, then things seemed to just ramp up in difficulty. Wasn't much fun losing again and again to fatigue. Need to get back to it though when I have the time, as it was a lot of fun!

  • Re: Win an Amazon voucher

    Quick question. Do we need to have done the tomb of garriot quest too to be eligible or just beating act2? I'm almost done but finding the temple is a tough one.

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