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Topic: Ability cards - DQ4

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  • Ability cards - DQ4

    Hi, Michael,

    Thanks so much for the latest update on DQ4.

    I particularly like the sheets of printable ability cards as I think they're great to have for a quick overview of what abilities you're currently working with!
    So I was wondering if the same exists for abilities in the three other books.
    If not, do you have any plans to create these and make them available? I'd be more than happy to pay for them if you decided to have them printed professionally.

    Many thanks!

  • Re: Ability cards - DQ4

    It will be a very strong possibility for the next Kickstarter ;) As will the loot cards that did not make it out of this one (due to Megara's circumstances...)

  • Re: Ability cards - DQ4

    Excellent, thanks for taking the time to reply, Michael!

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