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2127 Posts in 315 Topics by 276 members

Topic: Warrior Mage or Rogue?

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  • Warrior Mage or Rogue?

    Am new to Destiny Quest. Which is the best path between warrior, mage, or rogue? Currently leaning towards Rogue right now.

  • Re: Warrior Mage or Rogue?

    It depends on what equipment you end up grabbing. You should focus on either Brawn or Magic, since you only use the highest one in combat. Obviously, if you end up focusing on Magic, you'll end up a Mage. If you focus on Brawn, you'll choose either Warrior or Rogue. Rogue tends to have high Speed and Brawn with little to no Armour and less Health, while Warrior's have higher Armour and Health but sacrifice some Speed and Brawn, though I've played Warrior with high Speed and less Armour. It depends on what style you like to use in combat, and also what special abilities you have. If you're leaning toward Rogue, then you probably like its combat style, and should focus on equipment with high Speed (which you need to land blows) and high Brawn (to do more damage), plus abilities that do passive damage (like Bleed or Venom, though you'll find some opponents are immune). You could always replay the book with a completely new character, and go a different route. I always like to play the books several times, as a Mage or Rogue, and then try a Warrior once in a while. You'll end up with completely different equipment, and end up picking different careers, which are ways to specialize in your path (Mage, Warrior, or Rogue). If you like the books (or the app), you'll probably want to play again and again, trying new ways each time. Good luck.

  • Re: Warrior Mage or Rogue?

    Warrior.only! I have tried out Mage in some but generally am not a huge fan. I just love playing a warrior and hitting that point were you become almost invincible. By the end of Oblivion on my first playthough my warrior reflected so much damage and had so much health that I could just stand there and let things kill themselves by attacking me. It was awesome. The day when I pre-ordered the game from Instant-gaming official site, I started getting excited for the the game to play on my PC platform.

  • Re: Warrior Mage or Rogue?

    A lot of it depends on which book you're going through. Rogues are generally fine in any book. All three classes are pretty equal in Book One. Warriors kind of fall down some in Book 2, though. The classes are relatively even again in Book 3, though I'd still give something of an edge to Rogues in that one, too.

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