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Topic: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

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  • The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Just a few little hiccups and amends.

    Entry 293, 348
    Losing a combat to Rutus does not count as a 'defeat'. The text should read:

    If you manage to defeat this skilled soldier, turn to 147. If you lose the challenge, this does not count as a defeat. Turn to 258.

    Entry 507
    The entry numbers for the last two choices have been swapped round.

    Entry 756
    Final sentence should read: Replace the keyword rookie/veteran with underdog. Return to the map to continue your adventure.

    (Some amendments to text and abilities - and a couple of omissions. All these have been added to the online glossary on the downloads page)

    Fatal blow (co): Use fatal blow to ignore half of your opponent’s armour
    (rounding up) when rolling for your damage score. This ability can only be used once per combat.

    Hurricane rush (co): Give into your fury and become a reckless whirlwind
    of death! Use this ability instead of rolling for a damage score, to inflict 2 damage dice to each opponent ignoring armour (roll separately for each), but for every opponent you hit you must take 1 damage in return, ignoring armour. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    Spin shot (co): Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can use spin shot. This ability inflicts 2 damage dice to your opponent, ignoring armour – plus 3 extra damage for every speed point difference you have over your opponent in this round. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    Sweet spot (pa): Before a combat begins, choose a number 1-6. Each time your opponent rolls a die with this result when rolling for attack speed, they automatically take 2 damage.

    Time shift (sp): You may raise your speed to match your opponent’s for three combat rounds. You cannot play another speed ability until time shift has faded. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  • Re: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Updated Hurricane rush and Spin shot.

  • Re: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Very small mistake: 756 should have "rookie / veteran" instead of just rookie.

  • Re: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Thanks Jern - added that to the list.

  • Re: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Entry 3 (at least, in the Kindle version) has the same description for "matted mukluks" (cloak, +1 speed, +2 brawn, corrode) as it does for "pestilent hide." Based on the spreadsheet in the downloads section of this website, matted mukluks should be: boots, +1 speed, +1 armor, insulated.

  • Re: The Eye of Winter's Fury errata

    Matted mukluks are indeed boots (therefore a 'feet' item). It is correct in the printed version - so that is a mistake in the eBook.

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