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2127 Posts in 315 Topics by 276 members

Topic: Harold VS Padok

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  • Harold VS Padok

    This is a battle between my two heroes from DQ1. Step by step:

    Name: Harold
    Path: warrior
    Career: gladiator
    Stats:16 sp., 25 br., 2 ar., 0 mg., 55 health = 110 for this battle

    Head: Black window /+2sp,+2rb/ Ab.- webbed
    Cloak: Broken wings /+2sp,+2br/ Ab.- fearless
    Gloves: Branded bracers /+2br,+2ar/ Ab.- heal
    Chest: Raider's tunic /+2sp,+4br/Ab.- retaliation
    Feet: Majestic greaves /+2sp,+2br/Ab.- royal regalia

    Main hand: Bone gavel /+3sp,+4br/ Ab.- knockdown
    Left hand: Wrecking ball /+2sp,+5br/ Ab.- demolish

    Talisman: Demon's heart /+1sp/ Ab.- Trickster

    Necklace: Glacial shards /+1sp,+1br/ Ab.- piercing
    Ring: Ring of rebirth /+2br/ Ab.- kickstart
    Ring: Tooth'n claw /+1sp,+1br/ Ab.- sideswipe

    Оther abillity: Blood rage, Head butt, Bright Shield, Banshee's wail, windwalker

    Name: Padok
    Path: mage
    Career: Icelock
    Stats: 13 sp., 0 br., 3 ar., 31 mg., 50 health = 100 for this battle

    Head: Hood of night /+2sp,+3m/ Ab.- deceive
    Cloak: Veil of dark sunergies/+2sp,+3m/ Ab.- second wind
    Gloves: Crimson cuffs/+1sp,+4m/ Ab.- sear
    Chest: Slipstream gown/+2sp,+4m/Ab.- overload
    Feet: Velvet slippers/+1sp,+3m/Ab.- haste

    Main hand: Tempest's fury/+2sp,+5m/ Ab.- windblast
    Left hand: Cortical bulb/+3sp,+5m/ Ab.- brain drain

    Talisman: Winter's heart/+1ar/ Ab.- Icelock career

    Necklace: Chilblain's tears /+1m,+1ar/ Ab.- piercing
    Ring: Wrath of ages/+2m/ Ab.- rust
    Ring: Spider sapphire /+1m,+1ar/ Ab.- webbed

    Abillity list:
    mo - Ice shield, deceive, sear, second wind, brain drain
    sp - haste, webbed, windblast
    com - Banshee's wail, Ice shards, rust, overload, piercing, windwalker
    pa - Dark claw

  • Re: Harold VS Padok

    My money is on the warrior!

  • Re: Harold VS Padok

    1.1. Padok reveal to use "webbed".
    1.2. Harold reveal to use "demolish": Padok's armour 3-1=2

    2.1. Padok roll one dice - 4, Harold roll one dice - 3
    2.2. Padok attack speed = 16, Harold attack speed = 19. The winner of the round is Harold.

    3.1. Harold reveal to use "piercing".
    3.2. Harold rolls one dice - 3. Adding brawn 25 points. Damage score = 28

    4.1. Padok reveal to use "Ice shield" and roll dice - 6. Armour - 6+2=8
    4.2. Damage - 28-8=20
    4.3. Padok's health - 100-20=80

  • Re: Harold VS Padok

    1.1. Padok reveal to use "windblast".
    1.2. Harold reveal to use "webbed".

    2.1. Padok roll one dice - 1, Harold roll one dice - 2
    2.2. Padok attack speed = 14, Harold attack speed = 18. The winner of the round is Harold.

    3.1. Harold rolls one dice - 6. Adding brawn 25 points. Damage score = 31

    4.1. Damage - 31-2=29
    4.2. Padok's health - 80-29=51

  • Re: Harold VS Padok

    1.1. Padok reveal to use "Haste".
    1.2. Harold reveal to use "knockdown".

    2.1. Padok roll two dice - 1 and 4, Harold roll two dice - 3 and 3
    2.2. Padok attack speed = 18, Harold attack speed = 22. The winner of the round is Harold.

    3.1. Harold rolls one dice - 6. Adding brawn 25 points + 2 from Blood rage. Damage score = 33

    4.1. Damage - 33-2=31
    4.2. Padok's health - 51-31=20

  • Re: Harold VS Padok

    1.1. Padok reveal to use "second wind" and "Haste".
    1.2. Harold reveal to use "Fearless". Harold's speed=18 for this round.

    2.1. Padok roll tree dice - 6, 4 and 4, Harold roll two dice - 5 and 4
    2.2. Padok reveal to use "deceive" and swap dice with 5 instead 4, but Harold reveal to use "trickster" and swap dice with 6 instead 4.
    2.3. Padok attack speed - 13+6+5+4=28, Harold attack speed - 18+6+5=29. The winner of the round is Harold.

    3.1. Harold rolls one dice - 2. Adding brawn 25 points + 2 from Blood rage. Damage score = 29

    4.1. Damage - 29-2=27
    4.2. Padok's health - 20-27= Padok is DEATH

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