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2122 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Kindle Reader

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  • Kindle Reader

    Always nice to find a new author to delve into. I used to read the chose your path books and the fighting fantasy when I was younger. Also read the Sorcery books that were really good. So nice to find something new maybe a bit more advanced.
    Anyway my question is would I get a better reading experience on the kindle being what type of books these are? If so I am going to have to wait I have gathered.

  • Re: Kindle Reader

    Hi Thunder

    Welcome to the forums - sounds like DestinyQuest will be right up your street if you're looking for a more meaty gamebook to sink your teeth into.

    I think with the Kindle vs Print it really comes down to portability. DestinyQuest is a fairly big book (first one is around 650 pages) so I imagine some people might prefer it as an eBook. However, I will say that the print version is a really nice looking book, with a glossy colour section in the middle. It's a nice 'collector's item'.

    Even with the eBook you will still need to print the hero sheets and glossary to play effectively, so you don't completely escape the paper-based format.

    There is no news as yet on the Kindle version being released in the US. This is due to rights issues (if we produced the Kindle now, it might infringe and impede on US publisher rights - if a US publisher decides to take on the book). So, I can't promise when it will be available.

    So, my advice would be grab one of the nice trade paperbacks (or even a hardback if you can track one down). But then I'm an impatient sort who hates waiting for stuff ;)

    As you're in the States, you might want to try Book Depository. Golsboro Books still have signed copies with bookmarks available too - although I'm not sure on shipping fee. Links on my buy page.

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