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2125 Posts in 315 Topics by 276 members

Topic: Some questions

Page: 1
  • Some questions

    I have some questions regarding the new edition of the book:
    * What's the difference between the hard and paperback, apart from the obvious?

    * Are there new maps, or the same from the first edition?

    * IMPORTANT: If I preorder, how does it look like to get any of the goodies? ie, are there any left?


  • Re: Some questions

    Hi Echtalion

    To answer your questions:

    1. There is no difference between the hard and paperback versions (other than the obvious). The hardbacks are limited edition in that they are a limited print run that will not be repeated, so they are more collectible than the paperbacks. Really comes down to which format you prefer.

    2. The maps are the same as those from the first edition, but obviously the
    Act 3 map has the new locations marked for the bonus content.

    3. Goldsboro were taking pre-orders of the book (with full sets of bookmarks with each pre-order). I believe they have sold out already (!) but I should be able to confirm later. Follow my twitter stream for updates on that (link on my Buy page. If they have sold out, my editor is going to see if they want more copies and bookmarks. Don't worry, plenty of bookmarks left so I'm sure you'll get some eventually!

  • Re: Some questions

    Hi, I preordered it 2 days ago. Could you update me as to whether you received my email (with evidence of purchase) and whether I'll a bookmark?

  • Re: Some questions

    The competition closed on 9 April - really sorry for the confusion. I'm going to post a news update today as I think a few people missed the notifications on the forums and on twitter.

    When I mentioned there were plenty of bookmarks left, I meant there will be future opportunities to get those - either through signing events or other promotions. Goldsboro, as I mentioned, are giving away bookmarks with each pre-order purchase.

    Hope that makes a bit more sense and you aren't too disappointed!

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