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Topic: "Beep! Beep!" Richie!

Page: 1
  • "Beep! Beep!" Richie!

    Might I have found a Stephen King's IT reference in the "Beep! Beep!" ability?

    Without knowing this reference, the title doesn't explain the fact it doubles all gold at all....

    Cheers to Michael Ward's shared love of IT

  • Re: "Beep! Beep!" Richie!

    The book is riddled with popular culture references. I'm hoping people enjoy spotting them!

    Regarding 'Beep, Beep'! - I am a Stephen King fan, but that wasn't actually a reference to the 'beep beep, Richie' statement that they use in 'IT'. It is just a reference to the sound a metal detector would make when it finds gold!

    Sorry, my version seems a bit mundane now!

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